Tag: Ultraviolet
Q: Are antioxidants really beneficial in skincare? I don’t notice any effects from them…
Yes, they are beneficial. Numerous studies demonstrate the effectiveness of antioxidants in reducing oxidative stress in skin cells. However, this effect is difficult to see in the mirror since it operates at a cellular level as a preventive measure. You’re unlikely to see noticeable changes in your skin after just a few days, weeks, or…
Q: What is the difference between new and old chemical SPF filters?
Let’s start with a bit of SPF “ageism” by distinguishing old filters from new ones. The new filters include…
Against the Sun: 7 Lightweight Sunscreens
These sunscreens provide excellent protection without the usual drawbacks of greasiness, streaking, or a heavy feel, making them perfect for everyday use.
How I Change My Skincare Routine with the Arrival of Spring and Summer
As the calendar shifts from winter, the cold, wind, and other skin “enemies” gradually fade away. Our skin adapts, and it’s time for us to adjust our home skincare routine as well.
Sun Protection for Beginners
Summer is already here, and it’s time to think about sun protection. Let’s go over the basics, as there are still some stumbling blocks.
Q: Are Self-Tanners Safe? Or Not Really?
We know that using tanning beds or sunbathing until you’re crispy is harmful (both can accelerate skin aging and increase the risk of skin cancer). This leaves few “legal” ways to achieve a golden retriever-like glow for your face and body. One of these ways is using self-tanner. Just be careful not to overdo it!
How To Safely Use Retinol in The Summer and Avoid Harming Your Skin
Many experts recommend against using retinol in the summer due to increased sensitivity to sunlight and the risk of skin irritation. However, with careful precautions and adherence to certain guidelines, it is possible to safely incorporate retinol into your summer skincare routine. Here’s how you can continue to enjoy the benefits of retinol while protecting…
Q: Why does skin become oily after plastic surgery?
This post was inspired by a friend’s story – she underwent breast augmentation (mammoplasty) and noticed that her facial skin became much oilier than usual in the first few days post-surgery. It was so noticeable that she had to resort to cleansing products with acids, toners with high niacinamide content, or retinol. This isn’t the…
5 Effective Lip Products with SPF
Can You Use Regular Sunscreen? Yes, you can use regular sunscreen, but it often dries out the lips. Why not combine the pleasant with the useful by using these products?
Q: What if sunscreen gets in my mouth? Is it harmful?
Sunscreens of previous generations contained the ingredient PABA, which could indeed cause poisoning. However, modern sunscreens do not contain toxic or poisonous components. It’s likely that any sunscreen (even if it’s not a lip balm!) will mix with sweat/sebum and end up in your mouth, with some amount entering your digestive tract. So…