Rewiew: My Long Journey to Clear Skin with The Inkey List Succinic Acid Blemish Treatment

Navigating through the world of skincare can be quite a journey, especially when you’re on the hunt for that one product to combat those pesky blemishes. Recently, I decided to give the Succinic Acid Blemish Treatment by The Inkey List a try, and here’s my take on it.

Key Ingredients and Benefits

  • Succinic Acid: This is the star ingredient. Known for its gentle exfoliating properties, it helps to clear out pores and reduce blemishes without being too harsh on the skin.
  • Salicylic Acid: A classic in acne treatments, salicylic acid helps to unclog pores and reduce inflammation.
  • Sulfur: Another effective ingredient that targets acne by absorbing excess oil and reducing bacteria on the skin.
  • Hyaluronic Acid: Ensures that your skin remains hydrated and doesn’t dry out from the treatment.

My Experience

From the moment I squeezed out the product from the sleek, minimalistic tube, I was hopeful. The consistency is a smooth, green-tinted cream that applies easily to the skin. However, a word of caution: if you apply it directly onto an inflamed zone, be prepared for a slight tingling sensation. This is likely due to the active ingredients working their magic, but it can be a bit of a surprise if you’re not expecting it.

One thing to note is that this isn’t an instant miracle worker. Unlike some spot treatments that promise overnight results, the Succinic Acid Blemish Treatment requires a bit of patience. I found that it took several days for noticeable improvements to appear. The redness and size of my blemishes gradually reduced, and with continued use, my skin started to look clearer and more even-toned.


  • Effective Ingredients: The combination of succinic acid, salicylic acid, and sulfur is a powerhouse for treating blemishes.
  • Affordable: Priced around $10, it offers excellent value for money.
  • Economical: A little goes a long way, making it very economical in usage.


  • Takes Time: This isn’t a quick fix. It requires consistent use over several days to see results.
  • Tingling Sensation: The initial application can cause a tingling sensation, especially on inflamed areas.

Personal Insights

Although I am satisfied with the results, I probably won’t buy a new tube once this one runs out. There are so many treatments out there, and I am keen to explore other options. The product works well, but it didn’t impress me enough to warrant a repurchase. It’s perfect for those who are willing to wait a bit for effective, lasting results. Plus, the brand’s transparency about its ingredients and their benefits adds a level of trust that is essential when dealing with skincare.

Final Thoughts

Works wonder on pimples without drying the skin, and lasts years. You only need to use a small quantity on any pimple and it’s gonna stop them from growing and help reduce the inflammation so they’ll leave faster. It’s been a life changing product for me who suffered with a lot of acne at some point. I took tetracyclines that totally removed any button and this treatment helped me to get rid of any button trying to come back. Love it!

– The Inkey List official site customer

In conclusion, if you’re in the market for a reliable blemish treatment that won’t dry out your skin and you don’t mind a bit of a wait for the results, The Inkey List’s Succinic Acid Blemish Treatment is definitely worth a try. Just remember to be patient and consistent with its use.


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