Q: I have very painful pimples on my butt. Is it acne?

Not exactly. Unlike acne on the face, which is usually caused by clogged and inflamed sebaceous gland ducts, breakouts below the waist are typically due to blocked and irritated hair follicles.

Pimples on the buttocks are folliculitis. Here’s why it can occur:

  • Ingrown Hairs: After shaving, waxing, or plucking. In such cases, there are no bacteria or other harmful organisms in the inflammatory elements themselves.
  • Bacterial Infection: Usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus. If the infection penetrates deeper into the hair follicle, it can lead to a painful, “angry,” red boil.
  • Yeast/Fungal Infection: This type of folliculitis is called Pityrosporum folliculitis. It’s characterized by numerous small, itchy, and annoying breakouts.
  • Chronic Folliculitis: It may not have clear causes and can be due to the individual structure of follicles or skin reactions to underwear fabric. Breakouts may appear and disappear without any apparent reason.

What to Do About Pimples on the Buttocks?

Consult a Doctor: If you have severe, pronounced symptoms (pain, itching, redness) that have appeared recently. Acute folliculitis often indicates a bacterial origin, and a doctor can prescribe the necessary medications.

Change Your Routine: If you remove hair from your buttocks, try stopping this practice for a few months. If your skin improves, ingrown hairs and constant irritation were likely the causes. If desired, you can switch to other hair removal methods like laser or IPL.

Follow These Rules:

  • Change clothes or underwear immediately if you sweat, as sweat can provoke skin irritation and subsequent inflammation.
  • Use antibacterial gels or foams for washing the buttock area, such as those containing benzoyl peroxide.
  • Prefer natural fabric underwear (cotton, silk).

Try Acids:

If the breakouts are chronic and first appeared long ago, it’s unlikely to be an acute infection. You can try skincare products with high concentrations of AHA acids, lotions with salicylic acid, pharmacy retinoids, or azelaic acid. A combination of exfoliating and antibacterial components can significantly improve the skin’s condition.


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