Q: I’ve never used skincare products before. Where should I start?

Cosmetics, in their basic form, are not about marketing. Their primary role is to clean and protect the face, hair, and body from both external factors and the negative impact of artificial cleansing. This is their fundamental function, which improves quality of life and health. Everything else is an addition to this base.

If we lived in an ecologically clean area in nature, in small groups, eating organic and healthy foods, and could rest in shaded areas, we would hardly need cosmetics. Human beings evolved 40-50 thousand years ago, living in small groups of 20-30 people, without industrial pollution.

Our skin, hair, and teeth are still at that prehistoric stage of development. Before the advent of agriculture, Cro-Magnons rarely had cavities, as even those are diseases of civilization.

Cosmetics, at their core, are a crutch to help our bodies deal with the consequences of our current environment.

Below is the minimal and sufficient set of self care products:

For Face and Body

  • Basic cleanser to remove all the dirt and pollutants we encounter in the streets, crowds, and public transport.
  • Moisturizing face cream to counteract the negative effects of cleansing agents.
  • SPF to protect our skin from the sun.
  • Makeup remover or cleansing oil to dissolve SPF and prevent poor cleansing from worsening skin conditions.
  • Basic hand and body cream or lotion to mitigate the negative impact of frequent washing.

For Hair

  • Shampoo to wash away anthropogenic pollutants from the scalp and hair.
  • Conditioner (if hair is longer than 6 in) to smooth out the frequent impact of surfactants on the hair, reduce static electricity, and make combing easier.

For Teeth

  • Toothpaste and dental tools to clean teeth from food residues.

Everything else is an extension of this base according to individual needs.

If you’re new to skincare and want to understand it, start by selecting these basic products. Without a solid foundation, a harmonious skincare routine cannot be built.


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