Q: Are antioxidants really beneficial in skincare? I don’t notice any effects from them…

Yes, they are beneficial. Numerous studies demonstrate the effectiveness of antioxidants in reducing oxidative stress in skin cells. However, this effect is difficult to see in the mirror since it operates at a cellular level as a preventive measure. You’re unlikely to see noticeable changes in your skin after just a few days, weeks, or even months of using an antioxidant serum.

When we increase the level of antioxidants in our skin through skincare products, we help prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin. Additionally, we provide extra protection against the harmful effects of UV rays (but remember, a vitamin C serum is not a replacement for sunscreen). The primary function of antioxidants in skincare is protective. You might not appreciate the benefits immediately, but you will be glad you used antioxidant products in a few years.

You might argue: “I use vitamin C and see results the next day!” Here’s a disclaimer: some forms of vitamin C thrive in an acidic environment with a low pH. When we use them, we get a mild exfoliating effect. Dead skin cells are sloughed off, making the skin look fresher and more radiant. However, for the full antioxidant benefits of vitamin C, much more time is needed.


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