Key Ingredients to Look for in Acne Treatments

In short: The top 3 are in the text, but you can also consider niacinamide, zinc, sulfur, AHA acids, and retinoids.

Salicylic Acid

Also known as BHA and 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid. Probably the most popular ingredient in acne-fighting skincare products. I remember it from my first teenage pimple: “zap it with salicylic acid!” Salicylic acid helps remove excess sebum, dissolves blackheads, and handles occasional breakouts. However, it won’t help with moderate or severe acne.

Azelaic Acid

Better suited for those whose skin is prone to frequent and widespread breakouts. Besides its exfoliating properties, azelaic acid has bactericidal effects – meaning it can kill acne-causing bacteria. Unlike many ingredients with similar actions, it is quite gentle on the skin.

Benzoyl Peroxide

A heavy-duty weapon suitable for moderate and severe forms of acne. Benzoyl peroxide also gets rid of excess dead skin cells, clears out sebum plugs, and kills acne-causing bacteria. Its action is pronounced and fast. But! This is a pharmacological component. You hardly ever find it in cosmetics – only in pharmaceutical ointments and creams, which should be prescribed by a doctor. Do not buy products with BP on your own. As is often the case with medications, side effects can be severe – redness, peeling, allergies, and even chemical burns. Be cautious with benzoyl peroxide and apply it sparingly to problem areas.


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