While there are countless creams and oils “for stretch marks” on the market, no proven remedy exists to eliminate them completely.

Stories from friends often demonstrate the “survivor’s bias”: if they didn’t get stretch marks while using oils, then the product must have worked! In reality, it all depends on genetics and hormones, not our efforts.
Science has a few arguments in favor of almond oil, hyaluronic acid, and proper hydration – if you’re keen on preventing stretch marks, you might want to consider products with these ingredients and make sure to drink your daily water intake.
The only ingredient proven to affect already-formed stretch marks is tretinoin. However, it’s effective only at the stage when the stretch marks are still “fresh” and red.
A cosmetologist might suggest laser treatments or microneedling for “set” stretch marks. Both procedures promote the production of new collagen and the growth of new tissue, which can help smooth out the atrophic changes in the skin.
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